One of the most amazing places we saw. I went with my sister Sangeeta. Around this place we were able to see some of the most amazing places.
This place is near Mandalay from where we drove. Each place we saw shocked us and without a doubt one of the most pretty places in Myanmar.
1) While going towards th large statue of the standing Buddha, we chanced upon a grove with hundreds of buddha statues. Beautifully placed and each statue had a tree planted along. An absolute delight.
2) Then we approached the 3rd tallest standing statue in the world. The Bodhi Tataung statue with 31 floors all differently designes with Buddha Sttues and paintings. We went by elevator to the 11th floor and then walked down in amazement on the beauty of each floor. This was the impressive standing buddha on front of which was the reclining Buddha and close by was beng built the sitting Buddha. Each was jaw dropping. This aread also had a lyig buddha where the Buddha was lying on the back. A very rare buddha with the head covered by a structure.



Thanboddhay Pagoda

What happens when you enter a place with over half a million Buddha statues. One of the prettiest sites to see. Each small white spec you see is a Buddha statue on the walls. It cant be described in words.