Travelled to Dubai during covid. 

It was absolutely brilliant timing. Excellent weather, very few people and had a blast. Stayed with a cousin for 15 days and each day was worth it. Also bought a Kandoora (their dress) and wore it for a full day. Rahul was a delight to be with and was extremely caring. My school friend Sanjay Jain also took me around which was great fun.

Visited the frame with its glass bottom flooring. Went to the 148th floor of the Bhurj Khaleefa. Went to the Dubai Safari for one day.
Saw the IMG fun park hich is the largest indoor park in the world. Visited the lovely Dubai safari and stayed overnight alone in a tent. Saw the Global village and saw the displas of various countries. Visited Motiongate (hollywood park) and just went to all the rides – sometimes twice.
Returned and can visit again.